Our Work: Alliance for Strong Families and Communities

The Alliance for Strong Families and Communities is a nonprofit network of human and social services organizations committed to creating a just and equitable society. Their programs include consulting and administrative services for nonprofits. Our team provides inbound marketing services to attract, inform, and serve their clients and members.  



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Scope of Project

We've created and implemented an inbound marketing program to cultivate sustainable, measurable growth:

  • Strategy & set up: Creation of year-long inbound marketing gameplan complete with buyer personas 
  • Attraction: Pillar pages, e-books, blogs, social media, and other SEO-driven educational content to attract ideal visitors 
  • Calls-to-action and forms to create quality leads for cultivation as clients
  • Lead nurturing: Personalized email workflows and monthly enewsletter to build relationships and demonstrate expertise
  • Analytics & reporting: Monthly reporting of inbound marketing data and progress toward SMART goals